36. KTO 2021 powered by SOUNDBOKS
daily recap friday…
36. KTO – Kaunertal Opening powered by Soundboks – daily clip friday! Summing up a perfect first day of the 36. #KTO powered by @soundboks with this daily #RECAP – lean back and enjoy! 🍿🎬 Loads of action and good vibes high above the clouds on this KTO friday.
Hundreds of riders showed up for this first gathering of the new season and to finally shred together again.
The new @snowpark_kaunertal top to bottom #naturerun is on point. 💸 We´re flying around for one banger trick after another during the cash 4 tricks sessions presented by @sanesnowboarding and one by @völklskis. Countless riders around @markus1eder accepted the challenge to tame the 36m downrail – only few suceed so the challenge is still on! Rounded up with unexpected ☀️, the huge testival village and some side events the after shred beer down in the valley couldnt be more deserved!
thanks to all the partners: TIWAG | @desperados | @heineken | @strongbow | @jagermeister_at | @raiffeisenclubtirol and of course our new main partner @soundboks !
#kaunertalergletscher #snowparkkaunertal #kaunertalopening #KTO21 #withprideweride
@sanesnowboarding @markus1eder @voelklskis @prime_skiing @prime_snowboarding_magazine @snowboarder_mbm @downdays_eu @pleasuremagazin @freerideczsnow @skiing.de @burton @burtoneurope @methodmag @shred.unit @templeton_northernalps #kaunertalergletscher #snowparkkaunertal #kaunertalopening #KTO21 #withprideweride #snowboarding #freeski #freestylesnowboarding #snowpark Video by @teammedia